Sunday, July 13, 2014

5K Color Run - 2014

Hi, everyone! Today I’m blogging about my first official run in my first official blog, so I’ve been doing a lot of “first official” things lately. My first run was a 5K run, which is about three miles. I did it with my mom, Vaishali, and my two aunts, Sujata and Manasi. It was called the Color Run, and indeed, it really was quite colorful.
It all started one cloudy morning in late May. The run started quite early in the morning, at exactly 8:00 a.m. I was very excited, and got ready quickly. Once my mom and my aunt, Sujata, were ready, we headed downstairs for breakfast. My dad had made a mouth watering breakfast, and I took a generous serving of everything. I had toast with omelet, two strips of bacon, and orange juice. Then my second aunt who lived about 15 minutes away came over to our house so we could all leave together.
The run was located in downtown San Jose, and many of the roads were blocked and reserved just for the event, so it felt kind of special to me.
We all signed in and got a free Color Run shirt, bag, headband, and wristband.
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Just before the run began, we all lined up at the starting line. They had loud pop music playing, people were blowing bubbles, and were throwing prizes out to the crowd. Once the whistle was blown, my mom and I began running. We ran the whole 5K without stopping, so I was proud. There were five stations throughout the run where there were people had pails and bags of colors and they would shoot it at you as you passed by. They had the colors blue, purple, yellow, pink, and green. By the end of the run, me and my mom looked like we’d just run through a blizzard of color-not that we hadn't! My aunts finished a bit after us, and it was all a wonderful experience for us.

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I had had a lot of fun, and I realized that this was something I wanted to keep doing- not only because it was fun and healthy, but also because some of these non profit runs are dedicated to helping people who are sick or have cancer. Other runs send the money they earn and give it to scientists and doctors for research to find cures for cancer.
Doing runs like these are a great way to enjoy life and get exercise, and also help other people a lot. So when you’re doing activities like these, you’re helping others and yourself a lot more than you think.
So get out there and start doing what you love- it doesn’t have to be running! Join trusted events that are actually doing what they say they are doing with the money they get.
That’s what I’m going to start doing from now on. It makes you feel good about yourself, and knowing the fact that you’re making a difference in the world.

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